How to chooce the best uv flatbed printer?

With the ever-changing technology, the technology of uv flatbed printers has matured and the fields involved are so extensive that it has become one of the most valuable investment projects in recent years.So how to choose the right UV flatbed printer is the information I want to share with you below. Please pay attention to the following four aspects:

1. In the process of purchasing a UV flatbed printer, we must first check what material you want to print, what is the size? What is the maximum size you want to print?then the manufacturer will recommend the right product according to your needs.because different stuff suit different size machine.


Rainbow RB-4060 uv flatbed printer

2. Secondly, the printing effect and speed of the uv flatbed printer.The same machine, the printing speed is inversely proportional to the printing effect.The more printing head nozzles on the machine, the printing speed will be faster than the machine with less printing head nozzles.The direct way to check whether the printing effect turns out to be good is to print a photograph. A qualified uv flatbed printer can print out the photograph exactly the same as the design drawing.


Rainbow UV flatbed printer sample

3. Thirdly, the warranty and after service of the uv flatbed printer is also important. Because the UV printer is a machine, no one can guarantee that the machine will never fail, so the manufacturer with good after-sales service is the best choice, saving a lot of time and cost.


Rainbow with 13 months warranty and long-life technical support

4. The overall quality of the machine. Not the lower the price of the machine, the greater the value. For example, some uv flatbed printers are cheaper than ours, but because of the slow speed, poor effect and high failure rate, even if the price is cheaper, the value is not great, What you should see is its value not only price .

When you buy, consider the above four factors, I hope everyone can buy the right machine.

Post time: Sep-10-2012